Nozomi Nakabayashi grew up in Tokyo, Japan where her interests in architecture grew through observing people's everyday life. Growing up in a home built of timber and earth fostered the beginning of her interests in natural building materials. She enjoys working directly with natural building materials. Nozomi established her practice after having been a part of the counstruction and the design of the "Big Shed", an assembly work shed built out of round wood thinnings from the local woodland, at Architectural Association's woodland campus, Hooke Park. Nozomi’s practice centers around the design and construction of playful architecture, spaces, which are open to modification over time through test of time using natural and renewable building materials. She also loves learning about the Oud playing and making, practicing Kung-Fu and growing plants.


2018 The Anatomy of Treehouses: Stylish Hideaways and Retreats by Jane Field-Lewis

2017 Le liège dans l'architecture, le design, la mode et l'art, BOU-GE

2017 Reclaimed Living, Prestel

2016  Communal Knowledge at Work, The Showroom

2016 The Hinterland, Gestalten

2016 AJ Small Projects Award - Shortlist

2015 Backyard Boltholes, Wallpaper Magazine

2015 My Hole and Corner, Hole&Corner

2015 AA Conversations, Architectural Associations

2014 The Bio Base Seminar, MakingLewes


Lifetime Student of Music, Movement, Nature and Design.

Master of Architecture - Architectural Association Design & Make program

Bachelor of Architecture - Rice School of Architecture.